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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Tyler Catholic School Foundation?

The Tyler Catholic School Foundation (TCSF) is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization established to support St. Gregory Cathedral School and Bishop Gorman Catholic School through the creation and management of permanent endowment funds for the benefit of the schools and the students they serve.

Who governs the Tyler Catholic School Foundation?

The Tyler Catholic School Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors chosen for their commitment to Catholic education. Board members are civic, business, volunteer and community leaders who give generously of their time in support of the foundation’s mission.

Are gifts to the Tyler Catholic School Foundation tax deductible?

Yes. The Tyler Catholic School Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) entity. Its structure and governance are separate from that of the schools and Diocese.

Why give to the Tyler Catholic School Foundation and not the schools directly?

It’s not a question of either/or. St. Gregory Cathedral School and Bishop Gorman Catholic School focus on the immediate day-to-day mission of providing an exceptional education, running the business of the schools and maintaining their facilities. The Foundation focuses on the long term, creating permanent endowments which will support the schools forever. Both are worthy causes and both are in need of support.

What is an endowment?

An endowment is defined as a charitable gift permanently invested for current and future needs. Once created, only a portion of the income of an endowment can be spent each year. The remainder grows so that it always remains a source of support for the purpose for which it was created.

How are the Tyler Catholic School Foundation’s assets managed?

All Foundation assets are combined into an investment pool that is professionally managed by a nationally recognized and trusted financial advisor. Pooling assets for investment purposes insures maximum effectiveness with a minimum of costs. The Investment Committee meets regularly with the professional fund managers to guide investment policies and monitor performance. The Foundation focuses on a long-term strategy to protect and increase assets over time, insuring that gifts made to the Foundation today will return their investment to St. Gregory Cathedral School and Bishop Gorman Catholic School for years and years to come. Since its inception, the Foundation, has accepted donations of approximately $5 million while distributing earnings to the two schools of approximately $4 million.

Each year, according to the Foundation’s spending policy, a portion of the investment returns are designated for distribution to programs and scholarships.

How are decisions made about who receives funds from the Tyler Catholic School Foundation?
When establishing an endowment fund, donors designate the purpose they wish to support, and it is the Foundation’s responsibility to honor donor intent. The TCSF holds endowments for a variety of purposes…scholarship endowments, teacher emolument endowments, endowments for special programs, etc. Click here for a list of current funds.

Each year the Grants Committee meets to review funds to be distributed and presents distribution recommendations to the board of directors.

Each year, according to the Foundation’s spending policy, a portion of the investment returns are designated for distribution to programs and scholarships.

How are the Tyler Catholic School Foundation’s operating costs paid?

TCSF strives to keep its operating budget extremely low. Necessary expenses are paid partly from investment income and partly from special gifts. Gifts designated for operational support are always welcome.  

Haven’t found the information you’re looking for?

Please contact Cesar Salas, Interim Development Manager at 903-526-5988 (csalas@dioceseoftyler.org) with your questions