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Scholarship Funds and Endowments

Create A Perpetual Source of Support

Active Endowments

Consider supporting or creating an endowment today!

Our endowments are funds created for a specific program or purpose aside from Financial Tuition Aid to families. This type of giving is geared towards moving an area of interest forward by ensuring it always has support. Endowments require a substantial up-front gift, that gift is invested and only each year’s gains are used to support the endowment’s purpose. Once an endowment is created, those funds can only be used for the intended expenses outlined by the donor.

Fred Bosworth Religion Teacher Endowment
John H. Carney Softball Field Endowment
Mary A. Drake C. D. A. Court #1288 Endowment
T. K. Gorman Facility Endowment

St. Gregory Facility Endowment
Jackman Family Endowment
Lee Family Endowment
Master Teacher (Bishop Gorman) Endowment                           The Harrell Family – Performing Arts Endowment (BG)


James O’Connor Theology Endowment
Presidential Endowment
Jack Ryder Class of 2010 – Café Endowment
Mary Schick Science Endowment


Active Scholarships

Consider supporting or creating a Scholarship Fund for Tuition Aid today!

With just $1, you can begin a scholarship fund in honor of any person, family, organization or community you wish. Each of our scholarships have a target of growing to $25,000; the point at which we invest them into our long-term foundation. These scholarships all work together to create an annual return on the investment and create the funds we give to Bishop Gorman Catholic School and St. Gregory Cathedral Schools. To get started, please call Ms. Alicia Carmona at (903) 534-1077 ext. 136.

William Adamski Jr. and Mother Dorothy Memorial Scholarship Fund
John E. Allare Scholarship Fund
Tyler Catholic Schools Alumni Scholarship Fund
Ridgway-Roberts-Arnold Scholarship Fund
Frank and Ruby Arnson Scholarship Fund
Beiber Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
James R. Borgerding and Family Scholarship Fund
Patricia R. Bosworth Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bruce Brookshire Hispanic – I Scholarship Fund
Bruce Brookshire Hispanic -II Scholarship Fund
Callanan Family Scholarship Fund
Cameron Family Foundation Scholarship Fund
Kara and John Camp Family Scholarship Fund
Paul and Velma Campbell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bishop Edmond Carmody Scholarship Fund
Carney Family Alumni Scholarship Fund
Lou and Judy Chaump – I Scholarship Fund
Lou and Judy Chaump – II Scholarship Fund
Lou and Judy Chaump Foundation
Deibel Family Scholarship Fund
Destarac Family Scholarship Fund
Margherita Dipietro Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sam J. and Eugenie Eltife Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Teachers’ Emolument Scholarship Fund
Mary Endres and George Holland Scholarship Fund
Faulkner Family Scholarship Fund
Jesse and Kaye Fears Scholarship Fund
Hamlin and Elizabeth Fox Scholarship Fund
Hamlin Fox Family Scholarship Fund
Jim Franz Scholarship Fund
Robert Froel Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
Theodore and Kathleen Frossard Scholarship Fund
The General Scholarship Fund
Gentile Family Scholarship Fund
The Anthony George Family Scholarship Fund
Joe and Mary Louise Gollob Scholarship Fund
Mary Louise Long Gonzalez Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bishop Gorman P. T. O. Scholarship Fund
T. K. Gorman Student Aid Scholarship Fund
St. Gregory P.T.O. Scholarship Fund
St. Gregory Student Aid Scholarship Fund
Curtis and Mary Grubbs Memorial Scholarship Fund
Hamm Family Scholarship Fund
Robert and Margurite Hayden Scholarship Fund
Bishop Charles E. Herzig – II Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bishop Herzig – K. of C. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Harry and Rosemary Holcomb Scholarship Fund
Harry and Rosemary Holcomb Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Jackman Family Scholarship Fund
Jacob B. and Loretta Johnson Family Scholarship Fund
John and Adele Johnson Family Scholarship Fund
Anne Joseph Scholarship Fund
Elias Joseph Family Scholarship Fund
M. John Joseph Memorial Scholarship Fund
Milam J. Joseph (Golf) Academic Scholarship Fund
Msgr. Milam J. Joseph Scholarship Fund
Msgr. Raphael Kamel Memorial Scholarship Fund
Briget Kelly Scholarship Fund
Bobby Kelsey Memorial Scholarship Fund
John E. and Priscella Kelsey Scholarship Fund
James C. Kennedy and Family Scholarship Fund
Richard Thomas Kennedy Scholarship Fund
Vivian Sharp Kennedy Scholarship Fund
Marguerite Korkames Scholarship Fund
Margaret Ann Korkames Sears Scholarship Fund
Joseph K. and Mary Korkmas Memorial Scholarship Fund

         Fund  Michael Andrew Lanier Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dot and Paul Le Maire Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth H. Lee Family Scholarship Fund
Lehnertz Family Scholarship Fund
Martha Ann and Roy Lehnertz Scholarship Fund
Little-Stock Donation Fund
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Long Scholarship Fund
R. Edgar Luman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mary Jane Maddox Scholarship Fund
Harold and Ernestine Magner Scholarship Fund
Michael and Suzann Mahfood Family Scholarship Fund
Maloney-Donaldson Scholarship Fund
Collin and Kathleen Maloney Scholarship Fund
Dorothy N. Manziel Family Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Charlene Martel Family Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Charlene Martel – II Family Scholarship Fund
Jim and Carol Mazzu Family Fund
Msgr. John V. McCallum Scholarship Fund
Lil and Mac McKenna Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth J. Mead Scholarship Fund
Timothy and Rhona Meads Scholarship Fund
Nita Meads Family Scholarship Fund
Magner-Meinert In Memory of “Bee” Scholarship Fund
Rev. Jerome Milton Scholarship Fund
Navarro Family Scholarship Fund
Ernest Joseph Negem Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ernest Negem Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lillian Negem Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Negem Scholarship Fund
Shirley A. Negem Scholarship Fund
Deacon William O’Sullivan Scholarship Fund
Louise M. O’Sullivan Scholarship Fund
Patrick Henry O’Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Chitwood and Palmer Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
Pilgrim’s Pride Company Scholarship Fund
Mary Prud’homme Scholarship Fund
Rick and Bonnie Rayford Family Scholarship Fund
Mabel Rest Memorial Scholarship Fund
Vincent and Carolyn Richbourg Family Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Royce Family Scholarship Fund
Phillip Saleh Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sedberry-Mekalip Family Scholarship Fund
Sister Suzan Seitz Scholarship Fund
Hawkins-Almaraz-Sele Scholarship Fund
Stefanie Sepulvado Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carl S. Shamburger Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carly Nicole Smith Scholarship Fund
Bishop Joseph E. Strickland Scholarship Fund
Msgr. Joseph E. Strickland Scholarship Fund
Kelly Ann Stuth Memorial Scholarship Fund
Terry Family Scholarship Fund
Sunshine Thurmond Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ann Chamberlain Tibiletti Scholarship Fund
Tyer Family Scholarship Fund
Suda-Walsh Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
Westhoff Family Scholarship Fund
Whitehurst Family Scholarship Fund
Williams Family Scholarship Fund
Watson W. Wise Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Royce “Petey” Wisenbaker Scholarship Fund
Royce Wisenbaker Presidential Scholarship Fund
                                                                                         Claire Moroney Woldert Memorial Scholarship Fund                                                                                                Msgr. Vincent J. Wolf Memorial Scholarship Fund                                                                                                         Catherine Haymes Zvanut Scholarship Fund                                                                                                   Anthony & Patricia Akstin Scholarship Fund