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Current TCSF Funds

Funds and Scholarships


William & Dorothy Adamski Memorial Scholarship
John E. Allare Scholarship
Frank & Ruby Arnson Scholarship
Beiber Family Memorial Scholarship
Bishop Joseph Strickland Scholarship
Bishop Edmond Carmody Scholarship
Fred Bosworth Religion Teacher Endowment
Bruce Brookshire Hispanic Scholarships I and II
Callanan Family Scholarship
Paul and Velma Campbell Memorial Scholarship
Cameron Family Foundation Scholarship
Carney Family Alumni Scholarship
Lou and Judy Chaump Scholarship
Diebel Family Scholarship
Margherita DiPietro Memorial Scholarship
Sam J. & Eugenie Eltife Memorial Scholarship
Jesse & Kay Fears Scholarship
Hamlin & Elizabeth Fox Scholarship
Hamlin Fox Family Scholarship
Robert Froeschl Family Memorial Scholarship
Theodore & Kathleen Frossard Scholarship
Gentile Family Scholarship
Anthony George Family Scholarship
Joe and Mary Louise Gollob Scholarship
Bishop Gorman PTO Scholarship
Curtis & Mary Grubbs Memorial Scholarship
Robert & Margurite Hayden Scholarship
Bishop Charles E. Herzig Memorial Scholarship II
Bishop Herzig – Knights of Columbus Memorial Scholarship
Harry & Rosemary Holcomb Scholarship
Harry & Rosemary Holcomb Hispanic Scholarship
Jackman Family Scholarship
Jacob and Loretta Johnson Family Scholarship
Anne Joseph Memorial Scholarship
John Joseph Memorial Scholarship
Monsignor Milam J. Joseph Scholarship
Msgr. Joseph Golf Tournament Academic Scholarship
Monsignor Raphael Kamel Memorial Scholarship
Bobby Kelsey Memorial Scholarship
James C. Kennedy & Family Scholarship
Richard Thomas Kennedy Scholarship
Marguerite Korkames Scholarship
Joseph K & Mary Korkmas Memorial Scholarship
Michael Andrew Lanier Memorial Scholarship
Dot & Paul LeMaire Scholarship
Elizabeth H. Lee Family Scholarship
Lehnertz Family Scholarship
Martha Ann Roy Lehnertz Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Long Scholarship
R. Edgar Luman Memorial Scholarship
Mary Jane Maddox Scholarship
Harold & Ernestine Magner Scholarship
Magner-Meinert Scholarship in Memory of “Bee”
Maloney-Donaldson Scholarship
Dorothy N. Manziel Family Scholarship
Joseph and Charlene Martel Scholarship
Monsignor John V. McCallum Scholarship
Lil & Mac McKenna Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth J. Mead Memorial Scholarship
Rev. Jerome Milton Scholarship
Ernest Negem Memorial Scholarship
Ernest Joseph Negem Memorial Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Negem Scholarship
Shirley A. Negem Scholarship
Jimmy and Shirley Negem Scholarship
Lillian Negem Scholarship
Deacon William O’Sullivan Scholarship
Patrick Henry O’Sullivan Memorial Scholarship
Pilgrim’s Pride Company Scholarship
Mary Prud’homme Scholarship
Rick and Bonnie Rayford Family Scholarship
Mabel Rest Memorial Scholarship
Ridgway-Roberts-Arnold Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Royce Family Scholarship
Phillip Saleh Family Memorial Scholarship
St. Gregory PTO Scholarship
Carolyn and Vince Richbourg Family Scholarship
Carly Nicole Smith Memorial Scholarship
Kelly Ann Stuth Memorial Scholarship
Suda-Walsh Family Memorial Scholarship
Ann Chamberlain Tibiletti Scholarship
Westhoff Family Scholarship
John and Karen Williams Family Scholarship
Watson W. Wise Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Royce E. “Petey” Wisenbaker Scholarship
Royce Wisenbaker Presidential Scholarship
Monsignor Vincent J. Wolf Memorial Scholarship
Catherine Haymes Zvanut Scholarship

Anthony & Patricia Akstin Scholarship

The Harrell Family – Performing Arts Endowment
Jackman Family Academic & Fine Arts Endowment